When the hills are clothed in honeyed straw, the gum trees hang loose in the midday heat and sticky mango juice drips from our chins. When bare foot in the garden is not an option because of bindis & the compost heap is high with another round of lawn clippings. When the jacarandas bloom and evening storms break the day's humidity. When Bing, Nat, Frank and Michael come to stay for a month, crooning us through this month of December. When the tree goes up and the smell of fresh pine fills the house. When the Christmas books are brought out and pored over. When I'm elbow deep in felt and thread and needles and notions, when late nights become later the closer we get to summer solstice. When the windows sit tight during the day and are thrown open at night, the slightest inkling of air breezing over skin, bringing sleep. When the last of the year's school work is packed away and Mama lets out a big sigh. When the berries ripen and we head to the orchards. When the days speed up and we hurtle toward another year, then it begins to look a lot like Christmas.
Well hello there! It feels like it's been a while since I've really been here in this space. Thankyou so very much for all your lovely words about my Nanna. We're all winding down now. William has two weeks of holidays starting this weekend and we're finishing up school this Thursday. How wonderful it feels. It has been a challenging year for me in so many ways, becoming more creative with our homeschooling routine to fit in with a certain busy toddler, broken arms and all the physio, fracture clinic, osteopath appointments that came along with it, dealing with sleep deprivation like I've never felt before, feeling isolated & craving more time to stretch my own wings, my nanna & pop passing. But I'm not going to lament any of this because we're all busy, we've all got stuff going on & now it's my favourite time of year (as opposed to my favourite season) & William will be home for two whole wonderful weeks & then it will be solstice & Christmas. It's a time of endings and beginnings. The heat is only just beginning to wind up, the garden is flourishing, we have more time for crafting and being together. The days are long but will soon begin to shorten, we'll spend more time swimming. I'll start thinking about what to knit with the wool I've been spinning, evenings will be spent down at the river. My mind will be free of school and classes and early nights and being super organised just for a while. Oh how I love this time of year, giving and sharing, traditions and lists and friends and family. It's just started raining again after another humid morning & Zahra's cello lesson has been cancelled for this afternoon, so a cup of tea and some more Christmas stitching it is!