yesterday was the most beautiful autumn day. the filtered afternoon sun illuminating every silken spider web and wispy seed head in the garden. how i love this time of year. i wish it lasted longer. we really only get a good few wekks of mild weather before doors and windows stay shut and the heating goes on. we spent the whole day in the garden soaking it all in. my physio has told me no more knitting, for the moment at least. my jaw dropped when the words came out of her mouth. no knitting? what's a girl to do? stay up late catching up on janet king episodes, sewing little people's clothes and stitching quilt binding as it turns out. today it's chilly and spotting with rain. it hasn't rained much at all really, for such a long time. i looked at the cloudy sky this morning and pondered my fresh laundry. do i? don't i? i did. i'm trying to get all the linen washed as my mum is coming this afternoon to housesit. we are off on a little getaway down south to where the ocean roars and the irish beach calls our name. fingers crossed we'll make it round to the cape. i'm looking forward to taking in deep breaths of salty air and a little second hand furniture hunting. so today is a bit of a mad scramble packing and cleaning, washing and finishing off a photo shoot. we'll be back next week with lungs full of salty breezes and a skip in our step.
wishing you a peaceful week wherever you're going and whatever you're doing.