
at ten months you can climb a flight of stairs, making my heart jump at every wobble. you take a few steps from here to there. open screw top tubes and devour expensive, gifted eye cream. have graduated from being swaddled. love tomato. have a vocabulary of duck, book, hot, kaya, mama, dada, wa- wa {zahra} & no. can change from sad to happy lickety split when i ask if you want boobie. get yourself into all sorts of pickles...stuck under the couch, wedged between this and that, tangled in the cot. are obsessed with climbing into the dishwasher. point...a lot. adore your sister. are still cautious of that licking, black, furry thing that lazes about the house. love to feed said black furry thing. have developed a close relationship with your cot blanket. reach out to birds as they fly over. throw yourself off the edge of the pool. dance whenever you hear music. wake two or three times a night to nurse. nom, nom, nom on anything. carry things around in your mouth. throw your arms around my neck when you are sad. reach onto tabletops. have a good tantie. melt us with your smile and deliciousness.