Today is Thursday and I had a little story about knitting for you, but seeing as Thursdays seems to be the day when my patience pockets begin to empty, I find myself here, about to tell you all about the little niggly things that make my brow crease. Here goes...
It bothers me that technology can swallow up something that I've created, twice, in less than twenty four hours, in the blink of an eye without emotion
I get frustrated when I want to go straight through a busy two lane intersection and the car in front indicates after the lights change
I get grumpy when our 'man -hen' crows at sparrows fart and I have to go outside sleepy eyed to shush her. Your a hen, you're not supposed to crow. Sort it out.
I really don't like it when I stay up waaaay past my bedtime looking at all the amazing things out in internet land. Makes for a grumpy Mummy. Not a pretty sight.
I get annoyed when I have to drop my voice and hassle the dog to get off the deck and go out back to do things like, oh I don't know, pee and lie in the sun like other dogs do. Oh, I'm a cruel dog owner.
I sigh when I realise these two hands of mine are sometimes just not enough to multi-task as much as I'd like.
I frown at dresses whose straps break on the way to weddings in thick city traffic and forget to take themselves to the dry cleaner when I squirt hot, greasy, stuffed zucchini juice on them.
I find clothes that need dry cleaning, and lets add ironing to that, a nuisance....
I could go on, but it's no fun being grumpy at computers or dresses, zucchini flowers or traffic. When I started this blog nearly a year ago I was having a tough time and needed to look to the small and beautiful things in my day to day, find some gratitude to help me through. I never intended to include annoyances or negativity, but I'm human and getting frustrated, angry or frowning just a little is bound to happen along the way.
On the flipside, without these small inconveniences I think I'd find it harder to be grateful for the beauty in my day to day. Kind of like Pollyanna and the game she plays finding the good in the seemingly bad. Without technology I wouldn't be here in this space and I wouldn't be able to see all the amazing things out there that are a constant source of inspiration, without our man-hen we wouldn't have eggs right now and without the two hands that I do have I wouldn't be able to do half as much as I do. Dresses are replaceable, traffic teaches patience and disappearing blog posts can be re- written. Take a deep breath and let it go. In this moment I am alive and healthy, and that makes me smile. Think I'll go and do some knitting. Thanks for listening.
P.S I will be back tomorrow with that knitting story for you.