It was just this week that I was exclaiming how harsh the Winter light is compared to the beautiful softness of Autumn (we all know that I'm an Autumn gal through and through). Biases aside, I've been trying to see the beauty through the glare that is this clear, crisp, bright light of Winter. Days are either filled with grey skies, rain and fog or this clean, pure sunlight that reminds me of midsummer. And then, it was as if Winter cast aside her bright mantle for just a moment this weekend, to reveal her gentle spirit and divine beauty to me.
We enjoyed a lot of indoor time this weekend. Miss Zahra spent most of her time with scissors and kite paper in hand, making window snowflakes.
I started stitching a little something for my budding birdwatcher
It's a blue-faced honeyeater, her bird of the moment, which we've been watching feed on the nectar from the flowering camelias right outside my bedroom window for the past few weeks.
We also baked
raspberry coconut slice...mmmhmm,
garlic, chickpea and spinach ( or in our case, bok choy) soup,
checked out a couple of new finds
there was a wee bit of lingering over the cutest pair of alpaca bunny slippers,
Published in 1959... found on a recent visit to the op-shop. Gems like these are what keep me going back people.
Enjoyed a 'homey' exhibition by a very local artist that I know,
soaked up the many faces, colours and beauty that is this season Winter
and managed to squeeze in some river time with friends
All this was topped off by a certain proud, little, girl, who blew up her first balloon. One very proud Mama, gah.