When I created this little space not so long ago I had in mind a space where I could share the beautiful moments in my life. A space that would remind me of how blessed I am. Today I am reminded in so many ways how true this really is....in so many ways.
Truly inspiring, beautiful, encouraging Mama friends. Lovely, little ones and hours of harmonious play. Fresh baked gingerbread made by those little lovelies. The time and space to create with these hands. New tunes. A catch up with long time, no see friends. Good news. Late afternoon walks in the autumn sunshine. Homemade meals from the freezer. Warmth. A new, late night delivered project. Fresh sheets on a cozy bed.
I am incredibly grateful for the more than 5 minute moments on my sewing machine today which were shared by good company, cruisy tunes, conversation and cups of tea. Consequentially, the birthday present count now stands at 5 down, 2 to go. As you can see my sewing prep (you know, measuring and cutting kinda stuff), leans on the improvisation side. When all is said and done, there's nothing a pair of pinking shears can't tidy up, I say.
A simple pencil roll for my nephew was the result, which was promptly popped in the mail for a 2 week late delivery. These things can't be rushed you know. As a kid I remember being chuffed when late presents showed up in the mailbox. And another created on the weekend for one of Miss Z's classmates.
( It appears that my self indulgent pin cushion is working.I'm using the pins people!)
I love the idea and look of a ribbon for fastening the roll but have found that shoe lace tying skills are required for little ones to successfully manage this themselves. I'm all for empowering and enabling people so I opted for an elastic fastener instead. Although it's much more practical it doesn't quite satisfy my need for practicality and aesthetics. I'm thinking a button and loop type style for the other 19 I've been asked to make for the rest of the class. Oh my.....Happy Days!